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Business With Purpose is a calling, established after a change in employment circumstances. During the reassessment phase - “what now?” - my purpose of using my 20 years of experience and MBA to help business owners realise the true potential of their enterprise was crystallised. 


My passion and drive has always been to understand the business value proposition and operational processes. Finance is not just about the numbers - it’s about the key drivers matching the business strategy, and understanding the "why". I partner with clients whose purpose is beyond profits, who value relationships at all levels, are open to new ideas and thoughts, and are ready to scale their business.


With my strong network key strategic partners, and years of experience in professional services, SAAS, and retail, I deliver tailor-made solutions fast, while forging strong reliable business partnerships. 


“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Henry Ford. 

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